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Getting Back on The Horse

I haven’t written anything here since May… In fact, since I first started this blog, it has been an inconsistent outlet, almost an afterthought, that I come back to from time to time. There’s even an entry a ways back about unintentionally wandering away from it…

So here I am trying again – and that’s what I want to talk about today.

Execution is important, of course, but in most cases, effort is everything. Maybe I don’t know exactly what my intentions for this blog are, or have some master plan for audience building and monetizing… So what? I like doing it, and I’ll figure that stuff out as I go (or I won’t, and either way is fine).

To even get an inch closer to whatever this or any other project/goal/art/idea/hobby/habit is, I have to invest some time and energy into it.

Now, here’s the kicker: starting something is hard… And REstarting something can be embarrassing and demoralizing. Restarting means you stopped, means you “failed.” Dusting yourself off and climbing back into the saddle is an act of courage, and one of the single most important components of any pursuit.

I fail constantly…

Ideas don’t pan out, projects fall by the wayside, best intentions get forgotten and old (bad) habits persist. That’s okay – that’s human. I beat myself up for not exercising, for letting my wonky sleep habits get the best of me, for not writing here, for all of it…

But I have to remind myself (and maybe you too) that every day is a new day, and every little bit of effort counts.

If you haven’t been practicing like you want to, forget about the past and put in five minutes TODAY. If that doesn’t work out, forego the misery and try again tomorrow. It doesn’t have to perfect, it just has to be progress.

So that’s what I’m doing – knocking the dust off this blog and climbing back on a horse that has bucked me quite a few times. I’ll probably fall off again, and you will too, but whatever it is you’d like to be doing and aren’t – it’s gotta start (and restart) somewhere.

Hopefully more here soon.


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